Saturday, June 13, 2009

2800 miles and we're back!

Many minor mishaps...............but no major ones

Arrived in Cheney at 6:45 P.M.

Friday, June 12, 2009


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Des Moines, Iowa to Cheyenne Wyoming where we met Lisa & Cody

A myriad of amazing records were set today.

Farthest distance traveled in one day: 610 miles (old record 504)

Actual travel rate for day: 43.5 MPH (Old record: 34.8 actual speed)

Earliest time leaving: 6:45 (old record 7:15)

Shortest stop at rest area: 7 min 30 sec (old 22 minutes)

Most people sleeping in Airstream: 4 (old record 2)

Least amount of problems detected during travel: 7 (old record 36)

Most elevation gain: 5000 feet: (old record: 400 feet)

Longest state crossing: Nebraska (old record: New York)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

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Usually James awakes to duties with diapers
But this morning he had to install wipers

When finished the Airstream was ready he felt
This day he could take on anything fate dealt

The drive started fine accept for the New York tolls
They continued to decrease James’ money rolls

Then in Ohio the Airstream stopped starting
James shook his head sadly, his smile departing

This problem, he said, is the ignition switch
Luckily I can fix it without a hitch

So he unhooked the Jeep to take it on a ride
With Hank’s bad directions to Autozone his guide

Was soon lost while the Jeep began sputtering
James said some words he shouldn’t have been uttering

A cement dispatcher gave him a ride
And the Jeep worked again with new gas inside

James made it back to the Airstream again
All the stress making him look gaunt and thin

Still he got the Airstream stated once more
He’s not quitting till he’s at Krisann’s door
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Proof that Butch and Sundance have crossed the Mississippi
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Dave's TOP 5

Top 5 Reasons driving this 1985 Airstream that has been in Storage for a year and a half and is in questionable condition across the USA is a bad idea!!!

5) The radio that was working quits and James fills in the void with 30 minute version of The Sugar Hill Gang’s “RAPPER’S DELIGHT” (over…and over…and…)

4) The Jeep you’re towing that you just unhooked to go get parts for the Airsteam that broke down starts sputtering and dies leaving you stranded 12 miles from said Airstream somewhere in Ohio.

3) After James has removed the interior engine cover in a vain attempt to charge the inoperative AC and in doing so heated up the Airstream to pottery baking kiln-like temperatures thus requiring Hank to open all eleven Airstream windows.

2) Realizing that at the current rate of travel, you won’t be home till HoopFest unless you’re able to make drastic changes including reducing gas stops to a NASCAR Pit stop time window, increasing driving time from 12 to 18 hours daily, reducing sleep from 7 hours to 3 and reducing repair time from 9.5 hours a day to 4.0. (yea, we know, the math doesn’t quite work…neither do a lot of other things)

1) Dealing with the demonic, erratic electrical system: Overhead ceiling fans that haven’t work suddenly come to life, a low air light on dash with no discernable cause, interior and exterior lights require a PhD to sometimes get to operate, the nagging buzz of the Deadlock warning system that crescendos when speeding up and dies away when slowing down, and the eerie red reading light over Hank’s head that quit when the fan started working. (And the taillight that fixes itself by simply removing it and putting it back on, or....)


Here’s how to start a trip across country with your own Airstream:

Get to tire store when it opens to have new tires put on….Time = 8:00

Get travel permit at DMV while tires are being put on….Total time= 2 hours

Drive all around town looking for wiring harness to tow Jeep…Total time= 5 hours
Success. Finally find a harness—at a store 40 miles away

Before driving to pick up harness, find and pay Chris the mechanic/teacher/airplane computer programmer/emt/pilot who checked out the Airstream…Total time=1.5 hours

Wind through 40 miles of country roads to arrive just before closing at camping world. Total time=1 hour

Get harness, hook it up, and the AIRSTREAM is now ready to tow the jeep. Total time=1.5 hours

There’s still time to drive 100 miles and pull into a Petro Truck stop before finishing the day. Total time=2.5 hours

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Coming Atrtractions

The Arrest!
Jack & Roberta
The run-around
Crazy people we have met (not counting ourselves)
Truck Stop Life & Survival Guide
...And More
Jack and Roberta from TEXAS.
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