Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Usually James awakes to duties with diapers
But this morning he had to install wipers

When finished the Airstream was ready he felt
This day he could take on anything fate dealt

The drive started fine accept for the New York tolls
They continued to decrease James’ money rolls

Then in Ohio the Airstream stopped starting
James shook his head sadly, his smile departing

This problem, he said, is the ignition switch
Luckily I can fix it without a hitch

So he unhooked the Jeep to take it on a ride
With Hank’s bad directions to Autozone his guide

Was soon lost while the Jeep began sputtering
James said some words he shouldn’t have been uttering

A cement dispatcher gave him a ride
And the Jeep worked again with new gas inside

James made it back to the Airstream again
All the stress making him look gaunt and thin

Still he got the Airstream stated once more
He’s not quitting till he’s at Krisann’s door


  1. Bad directions again??!?!! I thought you guys would have learned from the Seattle mishap that you two are not cut out for any type of navigating! Get a GPS thing, you will need it, or you guys won't even be home for my 27th birthday (which is 72 days and counting)! Have fun. Miss and love you Daddy!

  2. Nice tune - can you sign it to Rappers Delight
