Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Update: Just the (Astonishing) Facts:

Sunday: Alb any New York: Slept in & enjoyed Continental Breakfast (light yogurt, ½ slice whole grain toast)

Gllens Falls: Houston: We have landed! Arrived at Airstream, conditional still questionable, a dilapidated bucket or a classic from a bygone era. Some things work; some things don’t, but it STARTS!!!!!

Buy battery. Jeep runs. Test it out in quick trip to nearby tourists, historical haven of Lake George.

Drive back to Albany….return rental car. Now it’s just 2 guys, a jeep, an Airstream, and 3000 miles to go.

Back in Glens Falls. It’s time. We’re actually going to do it. For tonight, we’re heading to nearby campground. We’re off!

Half mile later: Hank pulled over by Policeman. 20 minutes later policeman says good luck.

20 Minutes Later. It’s dark. We’re camped at the lovely Moreau State Park & fire is blazing.
But right after fire has just warmed up enough to toast a hotdog we’re asleep.

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