Sunday, May 31, 2009


A journey such as this doesn't just happen. Consider this: Did Amundsen reach the South Pole without extreme preparation? Did Columbus sail into the Bahamas by sheer accident? Did Armstrong step on the moon without the full power of NASA in support?

So will James and Hank cross the country unprepared? Not those two! It would be hard to find two other guys with the attention to detail and the focus those two possess.

So in the spirit of preparation, here is the packing list. Is there anything missing?

Plane tickets
Clothes for at least a week.
Reading material
Sleeping bag.
Towel, toothbrush, shaver, etc.

Monday, May 25, 2009

High Praise

If anyone can accomplish this, if America is still a place of dreams and hope, if the Airstream will even run...then there is one American out there who can pull this off, and it is you. Godspeed soldier!


Ever the master-negotiator, he leads the expedition to retrieve his father's legendary Airstream. The decisions he makes, just possibly may change Airstream history.


The brother-in-law who innocently agreed to go along for the ride. Who knows where this will lead to.

The Vehicle: 1985 Airstream: Condition Questionable

The Journey

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Streamin' Along: Mission Statement

This blog is dedicated to the human spirit of adventure that has sparked the passions of the great geniuses of the world as well as the not-so-gifted, crazy dreamers. Whether we fall into the latter category remains to be seen.

But there is no doubt that when you combine two brother-in-laws, one possibly dilapidated 1985 Airstream, and the quest to bring it across the country, you have the makings of a great adventure--maybe not quite up to par with those of Huck Finn or Indiana Jones, but a worthy adventure nonetheless.