Saturday, May 23, 2009

Streamin' Along: Mission Statement

This blog is dedicated to the human spirit of adventure that has sparked the passions of the great geniuses of the world as well as the not-so-gifted, crazy dreamers. Whether we fall into the latter category remains to be seen.

But there is no doubt that when you combine two brother-in-laws, one possibly dilapidated 1985 Airstream, and the quest to bring it across the country, you have the makings of a great adventure--maybe not quite up to par with those of Huck Finn or Indiana Jones, but a worthy adventure nonetheless.


  1. while this trip may not be the smartest thing I have done in my life it is definitely not the dumbest....I hope hank knows what he is getting into.

  2. I can certainly attest to the "not the dumbest" comment. And to think I actually suggested such a trip - what was I thinking?

    But I'm confident we provided full disclosure to Hank - he has no one to blame but himself for deciding to go along!
