Sunday, May 31, 2009


A journey such as this doesn't just happen. Consider this: Did Amundsen reach the South Pole without extreme preparation? Did Columbus sail into the Bahamas by sheer accident? Did Armstrong step on the moon without the full power of NASA in support?

So will James and Hank cross the country unprepared? Not those two! It would be hard to find two other guys with the attention to detail and the focus those two possess.

So in the spirit of preparation, here is the packing list. Is there anything missing?

Plane tickets
Clothes for at least a week.
Reading material
Sleeping bag.
Towel, toothbrush, shaver, etc.


  1. First of all, I have to say, my grandfather was a firm believer that the only campers, mobile homes, etc, worth buying were Airstreams, so good luck. I would add and iPod to your list of packing, since I'm guessing the old Airstream probably only has AM radio. :)

    BTW, you have to teach me how to start a blog with more than one contributor. I haven't figured out how to do that, and I need to do a family thing.

  2. Hank's little brother, here...

    Just wanted to point out that Amundsen disappeared on a rescue mission in 1928, for what that's worth.

    On a more serious note, perhaps a bag of coins in case you will travel on a turnpike or toll road.

  3. thanks for all the help and suggestions....steve you are correct there will be many toll roads and I'm sure the roads will take a toll from us as well.
